

岭湖中学董事会对我们学校负有最终责任. 董事会对学校的诚信负责, the standing and reputation built by its founders and by those who have labored over the years. 董事会既信任学校的现在,也信任它的未来.


  • 准备一份关于学校哲学使命的清晰声明.
  • 建立校长管理学校的政策.
  • Overseeing and ultimate accountability for fiscal affairs of the school including assets represented by buildings and grounds.
  • 制定和实施中长期规划.
  • 尽早向年度基金和资本基金捐款.
  • 适当地向未来的家庭和学生推荐学校.
  • Avoiding conflict of interest and the appearance of conflict of interest in all activities on behalf of the school.


董事委员会 协调识别, 培养, 招聘, and orientation of new directors; renominates sitting directors; nominates officers; facilitates Board self-assessment; identifies the Board's needs for education and training; and organizes recognition of individual directors.

发展委员会 coordinates the school's fundraising activities; advises the Board on financial goals of annual and other campaigns; reviews case statements; facilitates Board and other volunteer fundraising and friendraising activities; raises funds.

财务/建筑 & 理由是委员会 与员工一起制定长期财务计划和年度预算, 设置学费水平供董事会批准, 监控预算, 定期向董事会提出报告, 方便年度审核.

营销和招生委员会 审查入学政策, 营销文献, 广告和活动, 该网站, 主日历为学校推广, 以及招募学生和持续培养家庭的策略.

特设委员会 may be appointed by the 董事会主席 for such special tasks as circumstances may warrant. Such ad hoc committees shall limit their activities to the accomplishment of the particular tasks for which they are created. Upon completion of its assigned task, each such ad hoc committee shall stand discharged.


  1. Brian Shimko ' 04

    Brian Shimko ' 04

    Brian Shimko于2004年毕业于利记官网app下载. He earned a BA in economics from Fordham University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He is currently a venture capital partner at Maywic Select Investments in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  2. 托马斯·E. 达克Ⅱ,MPA

    托马斯·E. 达克Ⅱ,MPA

    Thomas Dake (Benjamin ‘28) is the vice president and partner of the fire and life safety division of Superior Industrial Insulation. He earned his bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from the University of Toledo and his master’s degree in public administration from Cleveland State University. Tom has served on the board of directors of several industry organizations and the 父母 Association’s Scholarship Committee.
  3. Jennifer Zinn Lagasse, 86年

    Jennifer Zinn Lagasse, 86年

    Jennifer Zinn Lagasse, 86年 (Oliver’ 20 and Sebastian ‘23) pursued a career in automotive manufacturing and business software systems before moving overseas with her family where she volunteered with several philanthropic organizations. 珍妮曾就读于康奈尔大学,毕业于奥伯林学院. She currently serves on the board of the CATSS organization along with serving on Lake Ridge’s Development Committee.
  4. 劳丽·加顿,注册会计师


    劳里·加藤(Rachel '23)是巴恩斯·温德林注册会计师事务所的董事, 提供会计, 保证, 税, 为非营利组织和私人控股公司提供咨询服务. 劳里是鲍德温华莱士大学的毕业生,在那里她获得了B.A. 在工商管理方面.
  5. Manuel Carballo

    Manuel Carballo

    曼纽尔(朱利安31岁)获得了B.A. 斯沃斯莫尔学院经济学硕士.Ed. 来自哈佛大学国际教育政策教育研究生院. He serves as the Vice President, Dean of 入学s and Financial Aid at Oberlin College. 在他的角色中,他担任首席招生官, 谁负责经济援助, 还有杠杆和营销.
  6. 约翰R. Doolos

    约翰R. Doolos

    约翰R. 杜洛斯(Vivienne ' 30和Jackson ' 32)是Keybanc Capital Markets的董事总经理. He earned his BS in banking and finance from Case Western Reserve University and has served on the Development Committee at Lake Ridge.
  7. 托马斯J. 穿衣,MD '83

    托马斯J. 穿衣,MD '83

    托马斯·德雷因,m.m.D. 83岁(Meredith 17岁,Sam 22岁)是克利夫兰诊所的心脏病专家. 达特茅斯学院的毕业生, 他在那里主修人类学, Tom earned his medical degree from the University of Alabama's School of Medicine prior to his residency at the University of Minnesota.
  8. 科尔米. 野兽派画家79年

    科尔米. 野兽派画家79年

    Cole Fauver '79是一名律师和兼职法学教授. 他得了B.A. 布朗大学和J.D. 来自西北大学法学院.
  9. 梅瑞迪斯钠


    Meredith (Solomon Peterson ’25) is an Associate Professor at Oberlin College as well as Special Assistant to the President for Racial Equity and Diversity. 她在瓦萨学院获得学士学位,在纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校获得学士、硕士和博士学位. Meredith任职于营销和招生委员会.
  10. Kari Halko '01

    Kari Halko '01

    Kari Sommer Halko ' 01 (Ethan ' 29), 布鲁克的34), was an Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper and Vice President of Operations at Sommer’s Mobile Leasing. She earned a double major in Criminal Justice and Sociology and a Minor in Psychology from Ashland University. Kari在财务和发展委员会任职, 六十周年纪念活动委员会, 并在低年级主任遴选委员会任职.
  11. 乔恩·海曼


    乔恩·海曼 (Norah ‘24 and Donovan ‘27) is a partner at the Wickens Herzer Panza law firm. He earned his BA from Binghamton University and his JD from Case Western Reserve University. 乔恩还在湖岭大学的营销和招生委员会做志愿者.
  12. Paula Janmey

    Paula Janmey

    Paula Janmey (Claire ’23 and Erica ’24) is the on-site owner of the new Goddard School in North Ridgeville, 它在2015年1月在利记官网app下载隔壁开业. 她是南佛罗里达大学的毕业生,在那里她获得了B.S. 后来获得了化学工程硕士学位.S. 凯斯西储大学组织发展专业. 她在劲量公司的22年里担任过几个职位, 包括在产品设计和质量控制部门. 宝拉促成了岭湖学院的长期计划, 50岁以后的愿景, 她是岭湖学院2023届和2024届女童子军的领队.
  13. 唐纳德W. 卡兹,70届MBA

    唐纳德W. 卡兹,70届MBA

    Donald Kaatz’ 70 (Heather ‘98 and Kayleen ‘19) is the President and CEO of Adventure Growth, Inc.. He earned his bachelor's degree from Hiram College and later his masters of business administration from Indian University. 唐从1990年到1997年担任利记官网app下载董事会主席.
  14. 杰弗里·纳普,83届文学士


    Jeffery Knapp ' 83是制药/生物技术行业的首席运营官. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology from Wittenberg University and lives in California with his wife, Annette (Wasem) ' 84和他们的家人.
  15. Joseph F. Miclat 90

    Joseph F. Miclat 90

    Joseph Miclat '90 (Madeleine '24 and Francesca "KiKi" '26) is an experienced private practice 税 attorney. 乔得了B.A. 来自波士顿学院的J.D. 和M.B.A. 凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)教授.L.M. 毕业于波士顿大学税务专业.L.M. 来自迈阿密大学.
  16. 贾里德·奥克斯


    杰瑞德·奥克斯(Braden ' 27), 奥利维亚的29, 艾弗里的32, 贝内施律师事务所(Benesch ? ?)房地产和环境实践组合伙人兼副主席, 弗里德兰德, 科普兰 & Aronoff LLP). He earned his JD 和MBA from Case Western Reserve University; BA (double major in Finance and Accounting) from Mercyhurst University. Jared serves on the Advancement Committee; 六十周年纪念活动委员会; and Athletic Boosters.
  17. 瑟瑞娜的朋友


    瑟琳娜(28岁的Jayen)获得了B.S. 杜克大学经济学和公共政策硕士, 以及她的金融MBA学位, 芝加哥大学布斯商学院会计与国际专业毕业. 她在通用磨坊工作了19年, where she currently is part of the company's Global Impact Team and leads the enterprise-wide ESG and sustainability reporting initiatives.
  18. 莎拉·帕克


    Sarah (Elle '33 and George '34) earned her undergrad degree in Finance from Cleveland State University and her MBA from Case Western Reserve University. 她目前担任SageView Advisory Group的机构投资顾问. She holds volunteer roles at 利记官网app下载 on the Advancement Committee and is the Treasurer for the 父母 Association.
  19. Julia Bilz Sertich ' 01

    Julia Bilz Sertich ' 01

    Julia (Anthony ' 34)在美国大学获得广播新闻学学士学位. She and her husb和Michael ’01, own three Jimmy John’s restaurants and one Biggby Coffee shop. 朱莉亚担任校友会主席三年, 目前在推进委员会任职.
  20. 莫娜·汤普森


    蒙娜(28岁的杰克和30岁的本)获得了药剂学学士学位, 俄亥俄州立大学公共卫生硕士和药学博士. She is a Quality Improvement Specialist and Evidence Based Practice Program Coordinator at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. 莫娜在营销和招生委员会任职.